Tips & Industry
Fundamentals of Pallet Design
PDS - The Pallet Design SystemTo Insure you get rhe right Pallet at the Lowest Cost
The GMA Pallet is DeadThe “GMA” Term no longer Guarantees a Specifications
Pallet Quality Manages Legal LiablitySafe Pallets Reduce Risk Exposure
Pallet Reuse & Recycle - A Systematic ApproachSaving Time, Money & the Planet
Pallets in Use in the US Each YearHave you ever Wondered How Many?
The Cost Saving Truth of Custom PalletsThe right pallet pays for itself many times over.
The Hidden Cost of Poor Quality PalletsThe true cost can far exceed the savings they seem to offer.
The Ubiquitous Wooden PalletThe Backbone of U. S. Logistics
Industry Resources
Direct connections to a broad portfolio of independent packaging and related industry educational resources and experts.
The internationally recognized trade association providing valuable information and tools to pallet manufacturers, distributors and users.
Random Lengths PublicationsThe most widely circulated and respected publications detailing current events and weekly pricing trends in the North American wood products industry.
Center for Packaging and Unit Load DesignCPULD based at Virginia Tech University has been at the forefront of pallet and unit-load research for over 4 decades, and has developed comprehensive reality-based design and analysis methodologies
Southern Pine CouncilProvides a wealth of information on the characteristics and benefits of one of the most widely used lumber species in the Southern United States
International plant Protection ConventionIPPC is an international agreement to which 180 signatories currently adhere. The phytosanitary standards adopted under ISPM 15 pertain to solid wood packaging.
Sustainable Forestry InitiativeWood is one of the most environmentally friendly, rapidly renewable, highly recyclable and lowest cost resources available, and Sustainable Forestry Initiative sets the standard for forestry conservation.